

The Critical Facts You Need To Know When Training Your Dog : pet store

The Critical Facts You Need To Know When Training Your Dog
by Dr. Mayra Alfonso
plug itOnce you get a new dog, you often think that everything ends then and there. Actually, it doesn't. Ask yourself first why you opted to get a dog in the first place. Did you get your pet to have something to smother with care or did you get a companion who will not be such a pain? You should remember that dogs are living creatures and they have their own sense and nature. They will not operate like some robot creature, bidding your every desire for them to do.
This is the primary thing why you should consider dog training. Dog training helps enforce hard and fast rules on your pet. See, your dog will have to live with you in such a way that he understands that he has to abide by some rules. But of course, since your pet is a dog you can't expect him to understand rules as you say them. Chances are, their own nature will still take over and before you know it, you're left totally exasperated because you had to tend to unwanted things here and there.

Dog training exists not to alter the nature of your dog's habits. Puppy training exists so that you can communicate to your dog the rules and regulations which you want to impose. Apart from that, dog training also helps establish your roles with each other. It helps your dog understand that he is answerable to you meaning, you are the master and you should be listened to. Without training your dog, you will find yourself having a totally frustrating experience with your dog unless he already had a previous master before you.

It's also a good way of bonding with your new pet. Of course, authority is not the only thing which you should impose upon your new dog. You should also make him trust you and this is the most important thing which can be built through dog training. Trust is important because this is what makes your dog listen to what you have to say and to abide with your commands. Dog training helps strengthen that trust. For your part, you will also get to know your dog more through the training and you will be able to judge for yourself his inherent strengths and weaknesses.

Dog training is not that difficult to do and it does not really require someone with some form of doctorate credibility to be able to do so. Even you yourself can do some basic dog training especially if you just want your dog to learn some simple tricks. However, it is recommended that you seek the assistance of a professional if you would like to get your dog into more advanced training programs.

You can choose to do some dog training on your end if you wanted your dog to learn basic commands based from your own bidding. It is also a better alternative because it is rather more inexpensive. All you need to do is purchase some dog training accessories and you can already start off with teaching your dog some neat tricks.

Got An Active Dog? Start Him On Agility Training

Got An Active Dog? Start Him On Agility Training
by Dr. Mayra Alfonso
plug itIf you have a very active dog, you know first hand just how stressful it can be sometimes to have him in and around the house with his boundless energy. Your dog may have had obedience training, but he may need further training, such as agility training, which is actually perfect for active dogs.
Dog agility training involves having your dog going through an obstacle course. The primary goal is for your dog to finish the course in less time with the fewest mistakes possible. The dogs that undergo dog agility training learn to go through the obstacle course without expecting to be given treats or rewards by their trainers. Dog agility training teaches your dog to successfully accomplish tasks without incentives. Dogs go through the obstacle course by responding to body signals and specific voice commands. Dog agility training, in order for it to be a success, requires dedication and commitment from both the dog and his trainer.

An obstacle course has different types of obstacles for your dog to go through. Some of these obstacles include jumps, teeter totters and poles that your dog needs to run in between. If you're priming your dog for an agility competition, his obstacle course would consist of obstacles that are typically present in actual dog agility competitions. At the competition, a judge decides on the course your dog will use. Both you and your dog will be watched carefully by judges. You and your dog are marked based on your performance. Because not all dogs are the same, agility competitions group dogs based on size and breed.

If you and your dog both love spending time doing outdoor activities, your dog is perfect for dog agility training. Agility training is actually recommended for dogs that are very active and also show some aggressive behavior. However, before you start your dog on agility training, make sure he is pretty good at taking directions, or shows potential for doing so. Be aware that agility training requires high level of discipline; for the agility training to be deemed successful, your dog needs to be highly trainable. Make sure your dog is happy with what he is doing, once the agility training is in motion. Keep an eye out for signs that your dog isn't enjoying it anymore. The last thing you want is to force your dog into doing something he will not enjoy.

Dog agility training is one sport that you and your dog can get involved in. But when is the best time to start your dog on agility training? Experts recommend starting as soon as you see your dog display an interest in obeying challenging commands. Dog agility training requires discipline and commitment, not just from your dog, but from you. It's another great opportunity for you and your dog to form a closer bond.

So, the next time your pet gets on your nerves, instead of getting upset with your dog consider taking him for some dog training and have some fun with him.

Proven Techniques For Toilet Training Dogs : pet store

Proven Techniques For Toilet Training Dogs
by Dr. Mayra Alfonso
plug itHumans are taught by their relatives in the home. Parents or guardians teach us the basic behavior to conform. In the same way, owners of responsible dogs should be the ones to train their pets, starting from the moment they arrive at home. Like children, puppies demand a lot of attention from their owners. They are all cute in the beginning and they require a hell of a lot of supervision. That means your time, total devotion, and patience. As pups, they still have to learn to control their behavior in the context of your life together as owner and pet. It is going to be your job to teach your pup everything from not chewing the house furniture, to not chewing the neighbor's roses, to not peeing and pooping all over your house.
As with young children, the first thing to introduce the idea of control is through a routine. One such routine is to leash your pup. He'll get used to the leash in time. He'll whine and cry and try to claw it but he'll soon give up. The more important routine is to let him potty after eating, after some play time, or after he wakes up form his nap. You call also instill a potty routine when you bring him outside the house when you walk him. Instill this potty behavior using the same spot inside or outside the house. Outside, choose a tree or bush and tug him there: this is where the leash comes in handy. You have to make sure you bring your dog to the same spot when he poops and pees so he will associate this behavior with a certain event like or time of day. This spot should not be too far from your house that he has an accident on the pavement.

Every time your puppy goes potty, pat him on the head, say "Good doggie," in a nice way and see him wag his tail. He will associate these rewarding moments with his behavior of making potty on his spot. Or you can give him some food. The point is to establish a reward system so he'll look forward to being rewarded after pooping or peeing on his spot, and not in other spots, like inside your house, or on your neighbor's driveway. A pup is still young and this kind of associative training is what will teach him toilet behavior. You can also establish some verbal commands. You will notice when he arches his back and walk in circles, these are signs he will potty. Tell him to go outside, or to go potty, and open the door. This way he'll associate your commands and the door's opening with his need to potty. Feeding him periodically will also teach him when to potty and allow the both of you to instill a potty time.

Some people place paper towels on the floor inside their house to mark the puppy's potty spot. This doesn't work very well. The dog tends to get confused, as the paper towel can be moved around. His learning to potty is therefore just delayed. The most effective way of training is to just observe the puppy for potty behavior, like arching and walking around in circles, and letting him out or bringing him to his potty area. In time, you can even teach your pup to hold it in.

Dog Training Methods : pet store

Dog Training Methods
by Daniel Waser
plug itNegative Dog Training Methods Of 30 Years Ago
I know it is hard to believe that your tiny, adorable, and helpless little puppy may grow to be 30, 40, or up to 100 more pounds of rambunctious flesh in just a few months from now. Of course this all depends on the type of breed, but the point here is that if you allow your puppy to get away with behavior issues early, such as jumping up on people or laying his paws all over you, these actions will become a nightmare when he is full grown.

The best thing you can do to avoid these issues from coming up is to start training your puppy correctly from the very first day you bring him home. Proper manners begin with you, and puppies that do not understand the importance of respect from the time they are small will end up being a huge burden to you and the rest of the family.

It wasn't too long ago when dog training included harsh methods that were more punishment-oriented instead of the positive training protocols that are standard today. However, it was a basic rule of thumb that dog trainers could not work with puppies until they were at least six months old.

The reason was because harsh, physical corrections could not be bestowed upon puppies that were too young or too small. Ironically enough about dog training in the old days is that by the time a puppy reached six months of age, they were already equipped with bad behavior and obedience problems.

Cleaner Training Methods
Fortunately for the industry, and for the benefit of our beloved pets, dog training has embraced a more positive, loving approach to teaching dogs and young puppies obedience lessons.

Unlike dog training from 20 or 30 years ago, today's trainers have classes that except puppies as young as eight weeks old. Puppy kindergarten and socialization classes are offered in practically every city across the United States.

Instead of the old-school methods of harsh and negative reinforcement, positive dog training includes your basic commands such as sit and stay, in addition to leash training, and other fun tricks such as raising the paw to shake your hand, how to calm down and relax, and greeting people politely, without jumping up.

Today, More Dog Owners Are Personally Involved With Training Their Pets
Also observed as a major change in the dog training world over the past 20 years is that it has become more and more common for pet owners to become heavily involved in training their dogs. The reason for this is largely the result of the information age and an abundance of dog training magazines, books, and online articles.

In addition, many of these dog training publications include teachings that are based on scientific principles of animal behavior, instead of just plain old negative training from yesteryear. Such breakthroughs in dog training protocols includes clicker training, which uses a small clicking device to replace a reward, and luring training, which is simply to use a tasty snack or treat to lure the dog into adhering to a specific rule or act in a specific way.

Cutting Pet Care Costs-Without Sacrificing Their Health

Cutting Pet Care Costs-Without Sacrificing Their Health
by Lucy Barnett
plug itLiving a simple life sometimes can revolve around reducing costs. And having a pet, regardless of size or species, can often be a big drain on financial resources. Though there are some that see a pet as a frivolous indulgence, many people feel their animal relationships are the most rewarding. If you love animals and feel that you're up for the responsibilities, their companionship can fit into almost any budget.
There are fixed costs beyond the initial purchase price of Fido or Felix. Before buying a specific breed of animal, consider checking out public or private animal rescues to find your animal friend. Regardless of budget, here are some points to consider.

Food. Buy the best you can. Good quality food plays a significant role in maintaining your pet's health currently and long term. Making your own food can give you the best value between food quality and cost but it depends on how sensitive your animal's stomach is. Also, making your own food requires a fair amount of research and prep time. A high quality food will keep your pet healthy and ahppy.

Grooming. Spending a little time daily taking care of your animal's nails and coat can minimize long term problems. Your pet gets the benefit of some one-on-one attention and you have the chance to keep your pet in tip-top shape. Cats benefit from daily brushing to combat hair balls and dogs will have less matting and a better coat. Physically handling your animal daily will make you aware of any marks, bites or other physical issues that need attending to and help prevent any serious infections.

Education. A hundred years ago, most people had some level of skill with animal husbandry. Everyone who wants to have animals should visit the library and be prepared to learn the basics. Having some knowledge of your animal's systems and health needs can help to identify the small problems from the big. Obviously, if your pet has experienced trauma or can no longer move, eat, drink, pass urine etc., it is time to consult a veterinarian. However, in terms of daily care and smaller health issues, there is no reason why you can't be proactive and assume care for your pet.

Shop around. Prices for vaccines and spaying or neutering can vary dramatically from clinic to clinic. Lower price doesn't always mean lower level of care. Call around in different areas to see how prices change and always ask your friends and family for recommendations.

Care. this should be common-sense but keep your animals in places where they are safe. Cats have significantly longer lives if they stay indoors (or are only let out if they are supervised). Dogs should always be secure on a leash or in a fenced area they can't escape from. Smaller animals need to be kept in spaces where the possibility of being attacked or stepped on is reduced. Accidents can cause financial hardship in addition to leading to the loss of a beloved pet.
Preventative care is essential to keeping pet costs low. Spend the time now to save the dough later.

Copyright 2008 Lucy Barnett