

Obesity in Cats and Dogs

Obesity in Cats and Dogs
by KiyaSama

Obesity in cats and dogs comes from the same cause as in human beings ��" the body takes in more energy than it puts out. Life is too easy, food too available. Too much food and too little exercise, along with a low metabolism rate, can make your pet balloon up fast. One cat in every 10 is overweight. Four dogs in every 10 are overweight. Why is this cause for worry? You love your pet fast as much as thin. But a fat pet has greater risk of diseases of the skin, heart, stomach, liver, and kidneys. Overweight can contribute to diabetes. It puts a burden on joints and contributes to osteoarthritis. And it increases a tendency to suffer from heat stroke and lengthens recovery time from surgery. As anyone who has had a fat animal knows, treating pet obesity is harder than preventing it. If your pet has a tendency to put on pounds, try the following:
1. Check your dog or cat for extra weight by feeling its sides - you should be able to feel the ribs easily. If there is more than ¼ inch of fat between fur and ribs, the animal is overweight. You should be able to see a waistline from above on a dog.
2. Know what your pet weighs, and keep track of it. Most vets have a scale on which you can weigh your dog. You can also weigh your pet at home if it is light enough to pick up easily in your arms. First weigh yourself. Then hold your pet in your arms and step on the scale. Subtract your weight from the combined weight of you and your pet.
3. Check with your veterinarian before putting your dog or cat on a diet. In general, reduce caloric intake to 75 percent of what an animal of its weight should normally eat. Buy food that is low in fat ��" compare labels. For dogs, add fiber, like a bulking agent (Metamucil), bran, or canned vegetables (to 10-15 percent of the animal’s food). Commercial diet foods come with instructions on how much food to give to animals of various sizes for safe weight loss. Change the diet in increments (shift foods) rather than all at once, otherwise the animal may get diarrhea. Supplement with multivitamins. Most important, discuss your animal’s diet with your veterinarians.
4. Try feeding an overweight dog or cat more often. Take the daily ration and divide it into three meals, for instance.
5. Give your dog plenty of exercise, but increase it slowly. Don’t exercise the animal within an hour after eating. Small dogs may need only the exercise they get in the house or yard. Older dogs may need only to be taken for walks. Other dogs can chase balls or sticks. You can take your cat for a walk on a leash, too, if you use a harness rather than a collar, which might choke it.
6. Don’t feed your animal from the table, and try to stop feeding snacks like kitty treats and dog biscuits, which are high in fats. Animals are very good at begging, and all your efforts to help your pet lose weight may be foiled by one tender-hearted but unenlightened family member who slips the pet treats on the sly. Convince the members of the family that it is a kindness to help the animal lose weight. Be hard-hearted. If you do feed treats, figure in the calories.

Show Your Pet You Care With Luxury Dog Beds

Show Your Pet You Care With Luxury Dog Beds
by Steve Madigan
As in the old days, dogs are used for many different purposes. These include some of the following:
As guard dogs Bringing home cattle Travel, pulling sleds in Alaska
There are some people who keep their pets outside. There are many reason's why this happens and some of them are the dog sheds, or the dog smells or any of the other bad habits that dog's have. When the animal is living outside, it is a good idea to make sure that the pet has cover to protect them from the elements. A nice dog house can serve this purpose. There are many different types of dog houses that you can get. Visit our site for some ideas on them.
Now there are some who treat there pet as one of the family and would never think of leaving the dog outside to live. It is a part of the family and lives with the family all the time. The pet goes outside to take care of business and then comes back in. Now our dog's come in all shapes and sizes. The same thing as with us human's dog's require a good nights sleep. So luxury dog beds have come into the fold. Some of the luxury dog beds are so luxurious you would not believe it. It would seem that some of the dog beds are nicer than some people sleep in, but that is the way it is. People can afford these luxurious dog beds, they will buy them.
A Look at the Designer Luxury Dog Bed
If you are thinking of getting a luxury dog bed, you would want to shop at a designer store. There are many people who are willing to spend a fortune on there pets. They are willing to show they care by purchasing them designer luxury pet beds. There are many large name designers that have added designer luxury dog beds to there catalogs. Some of these designers are Louis Vuitton and Burberry, just to name a few of them.
Luxury dog beds will come in a wide variety of designs, shapes and colors. There are many different types of materials these beds can and will be made out of. The beds can just about fit any decor that you may have in your home. You can find chaise, long sofa, with the actual bed made out of your choice of wood. There are many fancy shapes like a cradle, car and more other shapes that the list would be to long to mention.
There are Custom Luxury Dog Beds
The best part of custom luxury dog beds is you can order and match your own personality and style. There are some manufacturers that will take orders from their patrons. You can customize your bed to make your best friends sleeping area a thing of beauty. You are able to choose the type of bed, the color, size and many other features when you place your order. So the custom luxury pet beds can get quite expensive and quite beautiful.
Now you have to understand that with all the accessories and types, styles and materals that these luxury dog beds are being made out of, they can cost a small fortune, but the dog will be pampered to the max. The latest designs and styles are what the custom luxury dog bed is all about. You will be providing your pet with the utmost comfort.
Some Helpful Tips
You can find really cool luxury dog beds online, and be able to choose from a large variety of styles, designs, colors. You then can compare the prices of the different types of beds. You will enjoy shopping for luxury dog beds online. Visit DogGone Good Beds for more information.


Bull Dog : Dogs-pet

Bull Dog
by Mary Rose

The Bulldog is one of the most popular purebred dogs.It is popular among celebrities and families.The broad shouldered,stocky bulldog with it characterisitc under bite and pugnacious gait has long been a mascot of sports teams and military units. But their docile,even tempered personality that belies their tough guy image makes them good pets for families with young children.The personality of Bull dog is unlike any other dog.They are so expressive.If one looks into their eyes one can almost see what they are thinking.Their growing popularuty with celebrities have added to their publicity.The breed is the second most popular dog in Los Angeles.
An English bull dog puppy makes a great companion.A prominent characterisitic of this breed is that they are attention seekers and get along well in a home with children and other pets.If they are given proper care and attention ,you are ensured of a very loyal and loving pet in return.Nevertheless,the care of an English bull dog puppy requires a bit of firmness. It will be difficult to deal if you spoil them. In case they are used to a lot of attention and loses it ,for instance,when its owner's have a baby, it can act out by barking or biting. Therefore, attention needs to be consistent and firm, so that the dog senses its place in what it sees as its group.
It must be remembered that an English bull dog they become less interested in exercise as they age. While these dogs are short and stocky they should be put through regular exercise on to prevent obesity. As they are exhausted by exercise they should be given water often. Another pecularity of an English bull dog is that it has so many folds .Therefore,its cleanliness is really important. If not cleaned well it can cause bacterial or fungal infections.
On the other hand,an American bull dog is a breed of working dog developed for catching livestock and for protecting property. Though larger in size, they are the closest surviving relative of the o ld English bulldog. There are generally considered to be two types of American bulldog, the johnson type and the Scott type, named after the breeders who were influential in developing them, John D. Johnson and Allen Scott. These are more commonly known as Classic or Bully type and Standard or Performance type.The American Bulldog is a stocky, strong-looking dog. Its coat is short and either white or white with patches.
The growing popularity of bull dog has a downside.They can suffer from breathing problems and should only be treated by experienced veterinarians.Bull dogs are also unable to swim.Breeders use artificial insemination and caesarean sections when breeding the dogs to reduce the high risk of injury caused by the large size of the dog's head in proportion to its hips.The elaborate precautions required when breeding bulldogs puts the cost of a typical purebred bulldog puppy on the higher side.

Spaying And Neutering A Labrador Dog : Dogs-pet

Spaying And Neutering A Labrador Dog
by Richard Cussons

One way of helping your Labrador dog live a healthy and happy life is through neutering or spaying. In the United States alone, there are more or less 70,000 puppies and kittens being born daily. If having a single dog as pet also means costly foods, veterinary bills, endless list of supplies and so much responsibility, how much more if you have a couple or more new puppies? How are you going to properly care for all those innocent dogs especially if you have a tight budget? The world is facing not just over population among humans but also among animals. More and more animals are neglected, left astray and worst being euthanized because of this problem. There is no space for new puppies that is why they resorted to killing the aged and sick ones.
Some people hesitate in having their dog spayed or neutered because maybe they don't quite understand the importance of this procedure. Neutering is the process of removing an animal's reproductive organ. The organ can either be removed all or just a part of it and can be done in puppies more or less six months of age. The process is also called spaying in females. Other than a birth control method, there are still other reasons why spaying and neutering is good for your pet. The process has health benefits, preventing or reducing the risk of hormone-associated diseases such as benign prostatic hypertrophy to occur. Female dogs and even cats are less likely to develop mammary tumors if they are spayed before their first heat cycle. Spayed female dogs have also less possibility in contracting pyometra, a common uterine infection. Uterine, ovarian and testicular cancers are as well prevented. Neutering in male dogs eliminates the risk of testicular cancer and reduces the risk of contracting prostate cancer.
Once neutered, you won't have to deal with a Labrador dog digging the yard or breaking through leashes and fences in search of a mate. They are also less prone to escaping the yard and running away from home, urinating in inappropriate place, getting into fights with other dogs and are also less likely to be lost, stolen or hit by a car.
Spaying and neutering not only benefits the pets and owners but the community as well. Government will not be burdened with trying to control wandering and unwanted animals. There will also be a decrease in the number of homeless pets being dropped or turned over in animal shelters.

Dog Obedience Training : Dogs-pet

Dog Obedience Training
by Megan Morris

Dogs can be cute, cuddly and loyal. They can be fun to have around and to play with. But behavioral problems can be a struggle to deal with. Have you ever come home to find your favorite pair of shoes all chewed up and slobbery? Your furniture has become their new chew toy? And the unsightly pet stains. Does your dog bark too much and not obey your commands? You can build a better relationship between you and your dog by teaching it to obey your commands and learn fun tricks. All you need is some free time, a little bit of patience, a pocket full of treats, and the right guidance. I have found a program that can teach anyone how to train their dog today. Go to my webpage for more information:

Dog Carriers Demystified: How To Select The Perfect One : Dods-pet

Dog Carriers Demystified: How To Select The Perfect One
by Ruby Fayed

Dog carrier fashion is the hottest thing to hit the runways of Tokyo, LA, and Milan. But what does that mean to you and how do you select the best one for your canine friend? A dog carrier is your best choice when it comes to traveling long distances with your little friend. It is basically a padded bag with sufficient space to accommodate your pet comfortably. They are of varied sizes, shapes and styles. The market is flocked with different types of dog carriers like dog strollers, dog crates, designer dog carriers and the newly fashionable dog backpack. Which one you choose depends largely upon the size and the breed of the dog you have; and the lifestyle you wish to include your dog in.
First, try to acquire as much information as possible from the manufacturers or retailer before making your purchase. Safety, security and comfort - are the three most important aspects you should look for when choosing a dog carrier. The type of dog carriers that you purchase depends on size, length and the weight of your dog, not all dog carriers may work for your pooch. A big dog may not fit in the standard size strollers, backpack and most designer carriers; your choices would be limited to carriers and crates to transport your dog. Small dogs on the other hand can comfortably fit into any carrier or stroller, but again you should be vigilant about the attributes of the carrier and your intention for its primary use.
A comfortable dog carrier gives your pet sufficient room to move around yet not big enough to allow him to rock around inside especially if you intend on rigorous activity while carrying your dog such as jogging and hiking. The most vital characteristic you should always check for is that the carrier has good ventilation to allow for fresh air to circulate. Your dog can easily dehydrate in a poorly ventilated dog carrier, especially on those hot summer days. If you wish to pamper your pet then make sure that the carrier is comfortably padded and has a seat belt - of course there is nothing wrong with making sure you look good while carrying it around too! Also check out other points like durability, detachable shoulder straps, rubberized fabric and four mesh viewing panels. Let me point out from personal experience that you should also look into the cleaning directions of the dog carrier; some have machine washable linings that can easily be cleaned.
Those on the look out for trendy and chic dog carriers will have no problem locating fashionable and pocket friendly dog carriers at most pet stores. For those that want maximum indulgence for dog can browse the many styles from the best designer houses in the world. Remember, that the dog carriers are not only for the fashion conscious but can also be used if your dog is blind, too old to walk or has hearing problems. A good idea is to try to reflect your dog's personality and taste have some fun with it.
Initially your dog may be reluctant to sit inside the carrier, but this depends entirely on your skills to compel him/her to venture into a small case. Start with a bone shaped biscuit or fake bacon strips to urge your little friend towards the carrier. Your next other option is to entice the little pet with an endearing smell or a favorite toy kept in the vicinity of the carrier. This will tempt the dog to step inside the carrier, though it may show some hesitation. Nonetheless, keep in mind to always place the dog carrier on the ground. Never force your dog in the dog carrier; this will likely cause anxiety and an irrational fear of carriers. Take your time and be patients, your rewards will make it all worth it.


Simple Guideline For Caring For The Older Dog

Simple Guideline For Caring For The Older Dog
by Andy Mannion

It is sad but inevitable that the best friend which once had boundless energy and agility will eventually succumb to old age. With that in mind here are some simple recommendations designed to help extend the health and happiness of your dog in their latter years :
A general loss of your dogs hearing ability is inevitable at around 10 years old and allowances should be made for this. Show patience with your dog since the simple fact is that they may no longer be able to respond as promptly to obedience commands as before. Develop alternative means of communications such as arm and hand signals to replace verbal commands.
Proper dietary care is essential for the older dog. Low cost bulk foods, scraps and leftovers whilst less of an issue for the younger dog are unlikely to provide the correct nutrients, vitamins and minerals needed to keep your ageing pet healthy. Although it will cost more treat the older dog to a high quality commercial dog food from one of the well known established manufacturers.
The older dog is likely to lose muscle as the natural part of the ageing process which results in them being less able to support their bodies when at rest. This muscle wastage results in extra pressure on their elbows and hocks resulting in aching limbs and disturbed sleeping patterns. A simple but effective solution is to introduce more deep and softer bedding which will now tend to mould itself around the dog’s body contours and provide welcome support to those aching limbs.
It maybe all the rage but polished wooden floors are a slipping hazard and a potential source of muscle and tendon damage to the older dog. It may look funny seeing Bobby sliding and legs splaying on the shiny surface but this is definitely no laughing matter for the older dog. If possible such areas most frequented by your dog should now be avoided or at least areas covered with a carpet runner.
The older dog particularly those suffering with arthritis may find difficulty in bending to access their feeding bowl making eating an uncomfortable experience. If you observe such a problem a simple remedy is to raise the bowl on a stand or box to allow the dog to eat at their normal standing height.
Stair falls are one of the most common sources of injury to the older dog. Once you notice that your dog has difficulty in negotiating the stairs then serious consideration must be given to restricting him to the ground floor permanently. A child safety gate at the foot of the stairs is ideal for this purpose .
The smell of food is major factor in enticing a dog to eat. Since as a dog gets older so to will their sense of smell reduce which in turn may impact on their appetite and lead to malnourishment. One simple trick worth trying is to slightly warm the food before serving it. Warming the food produces a stronger aroma which may compensate for the dogs reduced smelling ability and encourage more normal feeding.